Project Partners
Since our inception, we have hosted various partners who have addressed aspects of community wellbeing—such as a sense of belonging, identity, empowerment, and history.
Some of these projects include:
The 17th Annual OCA-NY Hate Crimes Prevention Art Project, which convenes young people from across NYC to raise awareness about hate crimes and uses art as an empowerment tool to combat discrimination. Teenage interns decide the theme of the contest, pitch the contest to youth citywide, judge the art submissions, and plan for the opening of an exhibition. June 2023 - August 2023
“Chinese American Association Hate Crime Prevention Art Exhibition” - Sing Tao Daily, August 11, 2023.
“Chinese American Association Art Exhibition Combats Hate Crimes” - World Journal August, 11, 2023.
Open call for Chinese American Community Photo Album by photographer, community member, and Magnum Foundation Counter Histories Grantee, Alan Chin - December 3 & December 4, 2022
Inaugural Corky Lee Fellowship in Photojournalism Exhibition coordinated by the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) New York chapter featuring images and narratives by fellows Fen Chen and Xyza Bacani - November 8 to November 22, 2022